Coffee and Jesus

Three Quick Ways Moms of Littles Can Have Time with Jesus

Jamie Crosier Episode 32

032: In today’s episode, Lynn shares three easy tips for busy moms to have time with Jesus. As a bonus, she also shares one of her devotions with us. 

Lynne Modranski is an author, speaker, and Biblical life coach with a passion for helping others find their full potential in Jesus Christ.  With a gift for seeing Yahweh in the smallest details, Lynne enjoys sharing her aha moments with others. Mother to three and grandmother to four, Lynne ministers with her husband at Sycamore Tree Church in Northern West Virginia. There she mentors moms and new Christians, leads worship and facilitates two Bible studies each week. 

Lynne has written a number of devotionals and Bible studies. Two of them were created especially for moms and busy women. “Quiet Times for Busy Moms” contains about 40 short devotions to help moms get a jump start in their relationship with Christ.  Today she shared from “A Reflection of the Beauty of God” her second offering of meditations for women written to help those who reflect God’s beauty understand how precious they are to the Creator.

You can find Lynne’s books online: 

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