Coffee and Jesus
In this community, we will read the bible, ask questions, challenge ourselves and celebrate our victories. Welcome to the Coffee and Jesus Podcast! A little about me: My name is Jamie Crosier and I'm a full time pastor, wife, mom and friend. My life is crazy busy! Coffee and Jesus both help me to love myself and love others. Questions: Reach out anytime at
Coffee and Jesus
Making Lists for Beginners
Jamie Crosier
Episode 39
Do you feel overwhelmed by the many things you need to get done each day? What if I told you that you can accomplish you goals by just focusing on 4 things a day? That sounds so much better! Our guest speaker, Katie Axelson, shares her tips for making lists for beginners.
Katie Axelson is an author, pastor, and podcaster who loves to link arms with women and take one step closer to Jesus together. She is the host of Have Hope; Will Travel podcast. When we travel, we get to know people who are different than we are, we hear their stories, and we learn about life from their perspective. The world becomes a smaller place. You can find Katie at and on Instagram @KatieAxelson.
Host of Have Hope; Will Travel podcast